Monday, January 10, 2011

A Praise

As planned, we had an OB appointment and it went much better than expected! Surprisingly, we did not have a sonogram today. She checked the growth of Amanda's belly, listened to Brooklyn's heartbeat, and answered a bunch of questions. To sum it up:

-she continues to tell us to not be overly concerened, stating that in the past-they never knew about this condition until delivery. we are already one step ahead with our doctor knowing about it and treating it.

-it is not guaranteed that we will have to have a c-section at this point, meaning that Amanda may be able to deliver just as she did with Maddie. she said that a c-section is still in the back of her mind, but we just won't know if it's necessary until a little closer to time. and as a side note, there is no indication that our condition has been made worse by another condition called vasa previa. (remember when we mentioned that way back at the very beginning?) this is a huge, huge blessing!

-she's scheduled a sonogram for 3 weeks from now (at the same visit where Amanda will also be doing her routine glucose test) to check Brooklyn's weight gain and growth, the insertion of the umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid levels. we want all of these things to check out A-OK!

-she will also start hooking Amanda up to the fetal monitors to do non-stress test. all in an effort to get a glimpse of Brooklyn's life inside her mom's belly and to make sure she is never in any kind of distress. today her heartrate was a healthy 143.

-there are no restrictions for now, but that is always subject to change over these next several weeks.

So, as you can really was a good visit and it always helps to have a calm and collected doctor! I think for Amanda, there will always be a sense of uneasiness, until she's holding this baby in her arms. But today was great until then.

PLEASE keep praying all those prayers that we know your sending up. They are paying off in leaps and bounds and God is remaining faithful through this whole journey. We are getting closer and closer to receiving another huge blessing, wrapped up and packaged nicely all in the color PINK!

1 comment:

  1. That is such great news! I was thinking about you guys all day since I knew today was another doctor visit. I hope this visit lets you both relax a little and just enjoy the pregnancy without quite as much worry!
